Mar 01, 2022
In this issue, we dig deeper into the practices and tools that may help mitigate the gaps in the perception of women’s leadership abilities.
It is spring! That time of the year when nature rewards itself with fresh blooms and a new lease of life.
Speaking of nature, have you ever wondered why nature is referred to as “feminine”? The answer to this may be long-winding and debatable. But as the world gets ready to celebrate feminine power in all its embodiments on March 8 - International Women’s Day, we take a detour from discussing piecemeal solutions. Reflecting upon the multifarious challenges that women face at the workplace, we discuss what holds them back from making it to the top.
Going beyond the traditional idea of leadership—often viewed through the masculine prism—we focus on the nuances of women leadership and the essentials to make way for a more equitable and inclusive world.
In our line-up, we dig deeper into the practices and tools that may help mitigate the gaps in the perception of women’s leadership abilities:
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Thank you for reading and listening!
Stay safe!