Presenting the Union Budget of 2023, India’s Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, emphasised on Nari Shakti (women power) as the key to the country’s bright future. Although, over the years, recognition of women’s contribution to the economy has been reiterated by our leaders, the road to achieving gender equity has proven to be a long one.
The last decade witnessed multiple highs and lows for women in the workforce. While the labour force participation of women plummeted to a new low, women increasingly joined the ranks of rising entrepreneurs and leaders, holding C-suite positions across industries, entering male-dominated arenas, and challenging social stereotypes.
While we experience and celebrate their progress, it remains a reminder of gender biases still pervading our society. Therefore, we need to understand the obstacles they face in entering the workforce, the challenges they encounter on their journey to the top, and the scrutiny they are subjected to when they stand in top leadership positions.
In this issue, let’s delve into the details and explore the solutions towards achieving an equitable society.
What remains common about the tech and the dating scene is their assumption of men as the active participants and women as the passive receivers in the play. This manifests in their (un)holy union—dating apps, which further promote heteronormative expectations of society. With the introduction of women led dating apps, Vidya Madhavan, Founder and CEO of Schmooze, helps us explore if technology, when inclusive, can help subvert dominant discourses and empower women with agency.